AT1117M Radiation Monitor with BDKN‑06 Detection Unit and a set of spherical moderators

Measurement of neutron radiation characteristics to reconstruct the energy distribution of neutron flux density.

Obtained energy distribution of neutron flux density is used to calculate such values as:
– Integral neutron flux density


Measurement of neutron radiation characteristics to reconstruct the energy distribution of neutron flux density.

Obtained energy distribution of neutron flux density is used to calculate such values as:
– Integral neutron flux density
– Average energy of neutron radiation by spectrum
– Average energy of neutron radiation by dose
– Dose equivalent per unit flux density
– Dose equivalent
– Effective dose

▪ Ready-to-use measurement procedures
▪ Advanced set of spherical polyethylene moderators is available with the following diameters: 3.5″; 4.5″; 5″; 7″; 9″; 9.5″